Wednesday, 5 March 2014

My favourite places.

You know have you have those places where you just feel so content, happy and relaxed, well I want to tell you about mine, whether it's when I'm feling sad or very happy. Whether I'm about to share big news or I fancy a chat, these places are where I feel most comfortable! I'm going to share with you my top 3 favourite places, like ever!!

Thee first one is the most simple one of all. My bed. And although to you this may seem the norm, I now don't live at home, I'm at Uni, so when I'm sad it isn't as easy to coming running for cover (haha, puns make me laugh) It the place were I am me, no make up or fancy clothes, it's time were I can hide or be happy and watch my favourite film, or read or write ... I get the most work done when I'm in my bed because I'm happy.

The second is the Lake District, in Clithereo. It's called River Ribble, many happy days of my childhood were spent here, with friends or family. We would take a picnic and spend the whole day there, the kids running around and splashing in the water then come running back begging for ice cream. It was the perfect place, it had a park, a train that kids could ride, sweets and ice cream, and the water. Now that I look back it is more special to me for the memories and a place to reflect and be calm. But I will always remember the days we spent there, and one day when I have my own kids, I can take them there too. Funny that I'm talking about all the good memories, and yet the most memorable one was my brother slipping on a rock and breaking his wrist! Hahaha, he's okay now obviously!

This image was taken from google, as an idea of what I used to do.
The last and final place is Home, wherever that may be, but it's where my family is. Family and friends can make a home, it doesn't even have to be a house, I just like being surrounded with the people I hold closest to my heart and love the most. Uni life hasn't been all I thought it would be, I miss my loved ones more than I ever thought I would and I didn't even move that far away so I solute the ones who do. I find it hard.

Image from, and yes this is Hogwarts! <3 my true home.
What are some of your favourite places? Where do you most feel like yourself?

S xo


  1. My bed is also one of my favourite places, it's where I blog and just find time to relax :) Lake District looks like such a gorgeous place, I need to go there on day :) xx

  2. Your bedpost looks really cute. My bed is easily my favourite place, i could spend all day there! haha
