Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Mother's day gift ideas!'s me. Just kidding, I'd give anything to be Adele.

It's not that long until Mother's day and I'm trying to be organised this year with presents because I'm a pretty busy gal.

March 6th!!

Mother's day gift ideas

Mother's day gift ideas by xsarahxmx featuring wall collage picture frames

Some of the things I suggest are fun bits your Mum might not by herself. Photo frames are a firm fave especially when you fill them with lovely memories. Obviously to go alongside that and my main suggestion is that you make time and do something with her. Whether you get on that well on not, you're lucky to have her, some people don't get the chance. Take the opportunity, go to the cinema, or for afternoon tea or even a picnic on the rug sat in front of the tele. Make a memory, they last longer.

Another suggestion of mine is to buy her a lush bath bomb, and do what you can to make an at home spa. Or if you can afford the real thing you could send her to the Lush spa. Get a plastic tub for her to soak her feet. Paint her nails. MAKE HER FEEL SPECIAL. That's the most important part.

My mum likes charms, she has a Pandora with a few charms on but something a little bit different are the Fossil charms, they'e slightly more quirky if you like that sort of thing, which I do.

Shoes, who doesn't love shoes. My mums often jetting off on sunny little holidays so sandals are always fun and she is obsessed with sketchers for the comfort so if your mum gets sore feet, maybe give these a try. The do slippers called Bobs which are unbelievably comfortable.

What will you be doing this Mothering Sunday?

S xo

Monday, 1 February 2016

Versus: Magazines: Online or paper?

Hello again!

Another versus, do you buy magazines still? Or do you find the information you need online? Or do you combine the 2 and pay for electronic magazines?

Image from Google

I was sorting through this stack of magazines under my bedside table when I came across a Issue from November 2011, like what the hell, why do I even still have this and it got me thinking? Why do I pay between £1-5 for pieces of paper stuck together with information on, when I can find this information elsewhere for free?

Lately I've only been buying magazines with good free samples tbh, but that's a different kettle of fish all together. But I tend to hold on to my old mags and I don't know why. So rather than reading the comso mag, should we just read cosmo online? Saving paper?

What do you think, if I still want the layout and the content of my fave magazine, you can subscribe to it via app or whatever, or on the website for free. Or I can even track down my own elsewhere.

Are we stupid for buying magazines? Is it really necessary? Let me know your thoughts on this,
S xo