Monday, 1 February 2016

Versus: Magazines: Online or paper?

Hello again!

Another versus, do you buy magazines still? Or do you find the information you need online? Or do you combine the 2 and pay for electronic magazines?

Image from Google

I was sorting through this stack of magazines under my bedside table when I came across a Issue from November 2011, like what the hell, why do I even still have this and it got me thinking? Why do I pay between £1-5 for pieces of paper stuck together with information on, when I can find this information elsewhere for free?

Lately I've only been buying magazines with good free samples tbh, but that's a different kettle of fish all together. But I tend to hold on to my old mags and I don't know why. So rather than reading the comso mag, should we just read cosmo online? Saving paper?

What do you think, if I still want the layout and the content of my fave magazine, you can subscribe to it via app or whatever, or on the website for free. Or I can even track down my own elsewhere.

Are we stupid for buying magazines? Is it really necessary? Let me know your thoughts on this,
S xo

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