OHHH MYYYY GIDDDYYY AUNNNT! I have just came across the most amazing tag ever ever ever!
I was scrolling through bloglovin' and I found this on
Lauras Haven, and I fell in love and knew I had to do it! So although I wasn't tagged I'm doing it anyway!
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All images from weheartit.com |
Snow white - Do you consider yourself beautiful?
No, which I feel is the obvious answer for most people, but girls in particular have a hard time judging themselves never mind each other. My boyfriend tells me I am, which is lovely to hear, not as easy to believe though.
Sleeping beauty - How many hours do you sleep at night?
I'd say anywhere between 5-9, I love my sleep but sometimes I lose track reading blogs and writing posts!
Cinderella - Do you have a curfew?
Nope, I live away at Uni, but I'm like an old lady anyway, I'd rather be sitting in with a cup of tea, watching Netflix!
Rapunzel - Do you love being outside?
I used to be, I never used to be indoors but lately it's like this big huge effort for me to even get dressed! I love the indoors! I'm definitely a home bird.
Red Riding Hood - Do you trust strangers easily?
I'm not niave, but I do look for the good in people, which means if I don't know them I tend to try to be nice and polite. But I know boundaries with strangers.
The wolf and the seven young kids - Are you easily fooled?
I don't know I tend to be quite sarcastic myself so I know when someone is being funny. But there is the odd time when I get caught out.
Beauty and the beast - What makes someone beautiful in your eyes?
Someone who can make me smile, who is kind hearted and loving!
The little mermaid - What would you sacrifice for love?
Pretty much anything and everything, without love you have no one to share it with. I mean, like family love, partner love and parent to child love are the most special bonds, I'd hate life without having them.
The frog prince - What do you find disgusting?
Honestly, it takes quite a lot for me to heave, I really don't like touching dirty bins, and plates that have sat around for a while, so like dirty or rotten food is the worst for me.
Jack and the beanstalk - Do you have any plants?
Between bouncing between Home and Uni, I wouldn't be able too. I also don't see the point, they're pretty but effort?
Puss in boots - Do you have any pets? If not, do you want any?
I've not really had the best experience with pets, so let's not go any deeper into that.
Blue beard - What is your weak point?
Honestly, lately it's probably my emotions and letting it get in the way. My worry stops me from doing things, my fears make me choose the wrong things, and I get angry or upset with the wrong people.
Pinocchio - What is your biggest wish?
Materialistically, I'd love a car. Real life, I'd love to know if I'm on the right path, and what is about to come.
Peter Pan - What is your mental age?
Probably 19 (which I am) I have my mature moments when I handle things well, but there is also a large part of me which loves pink sparkle and unicorns!
The star money - What is your most valuable possession?
Expense wise, my Tiffany necklace even though it's sentimental value is gained daily. My most sentimental piece is a cross necklace that was my Nans and her engagement ring.
Gold Mary and Pitch Mary - Are you a hard worker or a lazy one?
A bit of both, depends what the task is or how tired I am.
The snow queen - Who is your best friend? What would you do for them?
My boyfriend or my Mum, I have my girls too, but I'm more like to run to one of these first. I'd do anything for them and I hope they know it.
The princess and the pea - Are you sensitive?
Yes, very... a little too much for my liking.
Godfather death - What qualities make a good parent?
I have no idea! I don't know how they do it! It must be really hard. I applaud all parents!
The twelve dancing princesses/The worn out dancing shoes - Do you like parties?
Parties yes, going out no. I hate clubs :(
The emperors new clothes - Do you care a lot about your clothing?
Yes and No, I'd like to dress nice but I can't afford fashion any more.
The brave little tailor - Do you consider yourself brave?
I used to be, not so much any more.
That felt like a lot! But how cute? I tag you!
S xo