Thursday, 20 February 2014

Lush review: Luxury Lush pud

I know, I know, I'm sorry this is a Christmas one and is no longer available but I thought I'd do it anyway.

This little ball of excitement is Lush's Luxury Lush Pud, it's only available at Christmas time so I don't know the price but what I do know is that, it is the same scent as the Twilight bath bomb so if you like the smell of that you'll love this one. With the 'soothing lavender fragrance and calming pastel colours' it makes this bath bomb perfect for bed time, although that's not when I used it ahah. Sometimes when I have lush baths, I'm not that tempted to stay in but with this one, I could have stayed in for hours! The water turned the most amazing shade of purple and it was heavenly! I only bought one of these in the sale after Christmas and I soooooo regret not buying more.

Would I repurchase? YES, in a second!

Just look at it!

S xo


  1. Gutted this isn't available all year, it looks amazing! xx

    Shan | Dimple to Dimple

    1. I know! Omg, I'm so sad, I guess I'll just have to put up with Twilight until November ahahah xx
