Monday, 10 February 2014

Versus: wipes

This a new series I'm starting where I'm going to compare beauty products. Today's versus is:

Baby wipes vs face wipes.

Baby wipes you can get for £1 for usually more than 50 whereas face wipes tend to be a £1 or more for about 30. 

The question I'm asking is: Is there any difference?

Some people say you shouldn't use wipes on your face anyway, but sometimes when you're in a hurry it's a quick solution, and after a night out, do I look like type to do a full night time routine. You're lucky if I remove my make up at all!

So I've found that wipes don't bother my skin, so I use them regularly. I often tend to lean towards baby wipes because in my opinion if they're good enough for a baby bums, which are perfectly soft, they're good enough for my face and sometimes (like you can see above) I don't even buy Johnson or pampers, I buy the cheap ones where you get more for your money, and on the packet pictured above I love the fact it has a proper plastic shutter not just stickiness because it keeps them moister for longer!

I feel like face wipes may have more benefits, but I don't see them personally.

So I'm happy sticking with 70p face wipes that work out 1p per wipe!

S xo

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