Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Things I'd love to love!

You know those beauty things everyone does, or raves about, and I think to myself, why don't I like that? Why doesn't that work for me? How do they do that? Well I'm going to tell you that now! Hahaha.
Things I'd love to love!

Winged eyeliner - *huff* this makes me very sad, I have very small eyelid area, like Blake Lively (You know coz we're exactly the same!) It's called hooded eyelids, and I can't really wear eyeliner on my eyelid which makes me sad because I think it's a good look and it makes me jealous.

Curling my eyelashes - I don't understand, i don't think this makes any difference what so ever? I just don't see what the point is, I'm also terrified of trapping my eyelid or cutting my eyelashes off!

Loose pigments - I'm far too clumsy, I spill things everywhere, I get them everywhere but I think they're pretty amazing, and I've seen some beautiful ones that I'd love to try, but I get scared!

Mascara on my bottom lashes - again comes back to small eyes, and it gets all over my face too, I just can't seem to pull this off.

Using Hairspray - I use it once in a blue moon when I've tried to curl my hair. It doesn't seem to do anything for my hair, that may be because it's SO thick. But I envy people with beautiful, put together hairstyles!

So what products don't you get on with? Are any of yours the same as mine?

                                                                                                           S xo 

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